I found this gem in a Taste of Home magazine way back when. I've made it twice and it was a hit both times! It's almost too cute to eat!
Prep: 20 min. + rising
Bake: 25 min. + cooling
2 loaves (1 pound each) frozen bread dough, thawed (or your favorite homemade bread dough)
2 raisins
2 sliced almonds
1 egg, lightly beaten
Lettuce leaves
Dip of your choice
Cut a fourth off of one loaf of dough; shape into a pear shape to form head. For body, flatten remaining portion into a 7-in. x 6-in. oval; place on a greased baking sheet. Place head above body. Make narrow cuts, about 3/4 in. deep, on each side of head for whiskers.
Cut second loaf into four equal portions. For ears, shape two portions into 16-in. ropes; fold ropes in half. Arrange ears with open ends touching head. Cut a third portion of dough in half; shape each into a 3-1/2-in. oval for back paws. Cut two 1-in. slits on top edge for toes. Position on each side of body.
Divide the fourth portion of dough into three pieces. Shape two pieces into 2-1/2-in. balls for front paws; shape the remaining piece into two 1-in. balls for cheeks and one 1/2-in. ball for nose. Place paws on each side of body; cut two 1-in. slits for toes. Place cheeks and nose on face. Add raisins for eyes and almonds for teeth.
Brush dough with egg. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 30-45 minutes. Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. Remove to a wire rack to cool.
Place bread on a lettuce-lined 16-in. x 13-in. serving tray. Cut a 5-in. x 4-in. oval in center of body. Hollow out bread, leaving a 1/2-in. shell (discard removed bread or save for another use). Line with lettuce and fill with dip.
This would also be fun to just serve in place of rolls at your Easter feast! You could fill his tummy with honey butter! My mom took this bunny to a potluck on the Saturday before Easter. She cut out the hole in the tummy and put a white bowl in the hole. Then she filled it with crab salad and sliced the ears, leaving them in place. She also put crackers on the tray around the bunny. It was a hit - people were even taking pictures of it!
Yield: 1 loaf (24 servings)